Your rights if your flight is cancelled
Do I get compensation for a cancelled flight?
Yes, up to £520 per person depending on the length of the flight and the length of the delay
It also matters why the flight was cancelled or how long in advance you were notified of the cancellation.
If you want compensation on top of a refund or re-routing it may be available. It depends on
How long the delay was, and
The distance of your flight, and
When you were informed of the cancellation.
After Brexit compensation is now calculated in pounds.
No compensation is payable if:
You were informed of the cancellation more than 14 days before departure
You were informed of the cancellation between 7 and 14 days before departure and you are offered re-routing which leaves no more than two hours before the scheduled time and reaches your final destination no more than four hours late
You were informed of the cancellation less than 7 days before departure and you are offered re-routing which allows you to depart no more than one hour before the scheduled time and to reach your final destination less than two hours late.
The flight was cancelled for ‘extraordinary circumstances’.
Compensation is payable per person so for a long delay on a long haul flight the compensation could amount to as much as£2080 for a family of four.
You may be offered vouchers instead of money but you don’t have to take them, you can insist on money. If you accept vouchers the carrier must obtain a signed agreement from you.
If you are entitled to compensation this table tells you how much:
Length of Flight Length of Delay Amount of Compensation
0-1,500 kms Up to 2 hours £110
0-1,500 kms Over 2 hours £220
1,500-3,500 kms Up to 3 hours £175
1,500-3,500 kms Over 3 hours £350
Over 1,500 kms within the EU Up to 3 hours £175
Over 1,500 kms within the EU Over 3 hours £350
Over 3,500 kms Up to 4 hours £260
Over 3,500 kms Over 4 hours £520
Am I entitled to a refund or re-routing for a cancelled flight?
Under Reg. 261 if your flight is cancelled you must be offered the choice of:
A refund, or
If you decide you don’t want to fly the refund must be paid to you within seven days.
The refund must cover the price of
The part of the journey not yet made
The part of the journey already made if it no longer serves any purpose
And, when relevant, a return flight at the earliest opportunity to the first point of departure
The refund must be paid in cash, by electronic bank transfer, bank orders or bank cheques.
If the refund is paid in travel vouchers and/or other services this must be with your signed agreement.
If you choose re-rerouting you must be offered:
Re-routing under comparable transport conditions to your final destination at the earliest opportunity, or
Re-routing under comparable transport conditions at a later date at your convenience if seats are available
If you are offered re-routing to a destination served by several airports and you are offered an alternative airport to the one you were booked for the operating carrier must bear the cost of transporting you to the original airport or to another close-by destination that you agree to.
Do I get care and assistance if my flight is cancelled?
You are also entitled to care and assistance in the event of your flight being cancelled .
If your flight is cancelled and you choose re-routing the operating carrier should also offer you, free of charge:
Meals and refreshments in reasonable proportion to your waiting time, and
Hotel accommodation if a stay of one night or more becomes necessary
Transport between the airport and the accommodation
Two telephone calls, telex or fax messages, or e-mails